
At Thanksgiving I wish to give thanks

That my bootie is a firm little cutie

And I don’t have to wear Spanx!

I am thankful summer has come and gone

Because in August Moomie was also gone

She went to visit all my Dachsie kin

In the Land far away called Wis-con-sin

And when she came home she told tall tales

About lots of waggin’ lildoxis tails.

I need earplugs, seriously!

Ever since Moomie and Papa visited you this summer, they have been glowing about Glow’s tiny

puppies and the gaggle of giggly girly-girls that came running around the bend like the bulls in Pamplona. I

saw the photos of Moomie covered head to toe with lildoxis and she keeps telling stories about Reni, and

my bio sister, Halo, and my bio grandma, Sarena (apparently Moomie’s absolute favorite hellooooo???), Connexion, Javert (rhymes with bear), lil Prince Sari being the rooster in the henhouse, and

teenie weenie Protea hanging out with the stud muffins. (I am so glad I’m normal and not

gender-bended like those two!)

I didn’t know I had so many fun relatives and I am thankful for all and I wish all a very HAPPY


Gobble till you wobble, boys and girls!

