Guess what?

I have a job now! I’m an AKC registered lildoxi nurse with a degree in snuggling, cuddling, napping, kissing, licking, and sighing. I’s hard work and I take it very seriously.

Moomie went to see the White Coat and when he put her in the machine that can see inside us, he discovered a ballie in her right breathing pouch. He said it was a Cancer, but Moomie is a Capricorn, so I am really confused now: how can she be both?

Since that day in April, my world has been upside down. Moomie left one morning but didn’ come back, so I went to work with Papa every day, wondering what happened to her and I missed her terribly. Finally, after what seemed forever, she came home and when she walked into the house, I ran to her, doing somersaults and crying with joy and I actually piddled a few drops since I couldn’ contain myself with happiness. I jumped up Moomie’s legs as high as I could and wanted to be picked up so I could give her kissies but she couldn’ bend down, so Papa had to calm me and once Moomie was seated in a chair, he handed me to her and I kissed her so hard I think I gave her hickies all over her face, arms, and hands. I just couldn’ stop and I haven’ budged from her side ever since.

She told me all about the White Coat cutting her ribbies open and taking out the breathing pouch with the cancer ballie in it. I wonder how it got inside of her and I am glad he retrieved it. I keep following her from chair to couch to bed, watching over her all day long while Papa is at work, making sure she is OK and won’ go away anymore to have more “ballies cut out of her . The White Coat said she could not pick up anything weighing more than 10 pounds; thanks to my yummy Hundefutter and lots of walk-walks, I weighed in just at the allowed limit —


A few weeks have gone by now and Moomie is starting to look and feel better, but I still keep a very close eye on her, especially since I overheard her and Papa talk about both going away in August. They keep mentioning my future sister, Reni, so I figured it out that they will go visit you and Reni and all the lildoxis. Oh how I wish I could come too, — boohoo –, but Moomie and Papa will also go to the Luxembourg Heritage Festival in Belgium, WI, and there will be many, many people and they said I could get trampled in a parade, so Nanny Beth will come and

stay with me here at the Castle. I will need many soft toys to bury my face into for drying my crocodile tears and reduce the stress from separation anxiety. As you can see, my puny stockpile will hardly do the trick!

Wuv n wags, — Claire-Claire